PACAYA records is a Gothenburg based independent record label owned and run by artists.

The label was founded by Lovisa Samuelsson as she was releasing her debut album in 2014. Her vision was for the record label to function as an artist collective where everyone had a say, where everyone could and should help out and where the bands could keep the rights to their compositions and get all the revenue and royalty generated by their music. 

PACAYA records is a feminist record label. We take an active stance on gender equality, working both to raise awareness about the issue and to always have a feminist perspective in our own work. Since 2019 we only sign artists with at least half of the musicians defining themselves as women, non-binary or transgender. 

The name is taken from the active volcano Pacaya in Guatemala. Pacaya volcano rises 2 552 m above sea level and has been one of Central America’s most active volcanoes over the last 500 years.

“My fascination comes from the experience of climbing Pacaya volcano during night in 2006. Ascending through the dark volcanic ashes and rough, sharp volcanic rocks. The field of steaming soil. Palpable heat of the lava in the wind. The night sky lit up by the long, glowing red-hot lava flow, tumbling down the mountain. Standing hypnotized next to the lava river that slowly flowed down its slope.”
- Lovisa Samuelsson

Cover page artwork by Gabriella Wedberg
Website designed by Filip Bagewitz